Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If texting should be outlawed, what about....

SO, today I heard about it again, and had to rant...the State of Illinois wants to make texting while driving illegal. Good idea? Sure. But, honestly, I want to get down to the REAL nitty gritty. The rationale - Texting while driving is a distraction, and driving distractions should be eliminated so the driver can keep his/her attention on the road. So, then let's examine all things distracting that should be outlawed...that is, if all things distracting should be outlawed. (All of the following items have been personally experienced by me...a guilty party.)

Talking on a cell phone. - Oh, sure, in Chicago cell phone users must use a hands-free device while driving. I always thought this was stupid. Here's the real truth about why talking on a cell phone has not been outlawed, and why the hands-free law was enacted...
When you really think about it, cell phone using drivers don't hit people and things, and run stop signs because they didn't have both hands on the wheel. They do it because their reaction time is delayed. Why is reaction time delayed? No, not because you need time to put that other hand on the wheel. (Proof? People with one arm are allowed to receive and maintain a driver's license.) It's because the PHONE CALL is the distraction. I know, I know...some of you are saying, "Nu-uh! I'm not distracted when I'm on the phone." Well, I talk on my cell phone, while driving, on almost a daily basis. I've given this some REAL thought. Yes, I have driven through an intersection, more than once, and afterward though to myself..."hmmmm, I must have thought that light was green, or I wouldn't have gone through it, but I don't really remember." You have too. Admit it.
But, here's a better way to express what I'm talking about. When we have a conversation, we form a picture in our mind to better understand what the other is talking about. Let's say you're talking to a woman about what she did last night. If she said, "I went out with the girls.", then that's easy. But by the nature of conversation, she is more likely to add, "I wore that red dress. You know, the one with the halter top. It has that cute ruffle at the bottom. I really like it because it's so short and sassy. Oh, and I was wearing those big silver earrings, and those black patent leather spikes! And you should have seen my hair! I had it cut yesterday! It's really short now. Seriously short! And if that's not enough of a change, I dyed it really blond!" You get it? This whole time you have been imagining your friend in your head. Then you had to add earrings, spike heels, and a whole new hair style. THAT, my friends, is why you are distracted. And you ARE distracted.
So, why hasn't talking on a cell phone while driving been outlawed? Because those who make the law, want to use cell phones while they drive! One step further...they know it's a distraction, and want to look like they are concerned and are trying to make the roads safer, so they settle to make a law that says you have to use a hands-free device. There, tax-paying voter, did that make you happy? Notice how we don't hear anything much about talking-and-driving now that texting related accidents have been in the news? Phone addicted politicians everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief...something else has diverted your attention.

Bill boards. - Some time ago, in our area, sparkly moving outdoor advertising was made illegal. Too much of a distraction, they said. Those sparkles and shiny things can really distract a driver (?). Now our gambling river boat in East Peoria has a very boring sign. You could miss it if you aren't looking for it. Car dealerships are taking a risk when they put balloons on their front line of cars on the lot, too. Woo! Too distracting. Well, have you ever driven the speedway up north they call the toll road? Or for that matter, any 8 lane highway up near Chicago? Big crazy billboards everywhere! On those roads, where your attention is needed the most, there's no limit to the shape, content, or otherwise of billboards. And they change on a regular basis, from advertiser to don't start thinking, "you get used to them and don't notice them anymore". If you DID "get used to them", advertisers wouldn't spend millions on them every year.
So, why aren't billboards outlawed? I dunno. I can speculate about a hundred reasons, but I don't have THAT much space. But, if all things that distract a driver should be outlawed, why not billboards?

-Smoking in your car. This is even more dangerous, in my opinion, than using one hand to talk on the phone (if one hand off the wheel WAS the problem). For instance... if you see an accident coming, you can drop the phone. No problem. If you're smoking, well, just dropping the cigarette could lead to other problems, from a simple burn, to worsening the situation in catastrophic ways. Also, if, while driving along, your cell phone slides to the floor, you have (and should take) the opportunity to get control of the car, yourself, and the situation before you reach for it. Most people who drop a lit cigarette don't have much time to think before they go scrambling for that fiery inferno that's about to burn the seat...or their leg.

-Radios. I sing to the radio, dance to the radio, radio surf to find a better station, and, while listening to talk radio, I even talk and yell at the radio.

-Balloons. Have you ever tried to transport a balloon bouquet to a birthday party? OMG! Totally distracting. AND blocks your vision!

-Dogs in the car. This one is a double dip! Dogs move about the vehicle too much. You have to take that one hand off the wheel to pet them to calm them down, too. AND, when another driver sees your cute pooch with his head out the window and his tongue blowing in the YOU are distracting OTHER drivers!

-Kids in the car. Boy, you talk about distracting. This goes all the way from newborn to teenager. You start out being distracted to see why the baby is crying, getting them what they need to stop the crying, and then to see why the baby IS so quiet. Then, you go to the stage where you are reaching in the backseat to hand your toddler a Teddy Graham, then yelling at two kids for fighting with each other, then, in my case, having fun and laughing along with them. Kids are VERY distracting.

-Hot road construction workers. All good looking, tan and/or muscular DOT workers should be taken off the highway and re-assigned to desk jobs... where woman drivers can not see them, and thus be distracted.

I bet YOU can think of many other things that need to be outlawed, if all things distracting should be outlawed. And, you can probably see why this texting law frustrates me. Again, I have no problem with the potential law. I'm just sayin'...!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Debt: Who's fault is it?

I hate to repeat myself. My very first blog was about debt. The subject came up again today, though. Originally, I, as my mom would say, "gave the devil" to those of you who choose to dig yourselves into a hole of debt, and "don't know how I got there". You know how you got there. Unfortunately, you definitely had help. And today, I am focusing on those evil people who take advantage of you...

"Pre-qualifying" for a home loan is such a marketing crock. Banks, mortgage companies, and real estate companies all have a hand in using "pre-qualification" to get you somewhere you didn't mean to go. I was in real-estate 13 years ago. I quit when I figured out you don't make good money unless you screw your customer. Real estate agents...another blog, another day.

Pre-qualification = The bank simply looks at your income, your car payments, and some of your other financial commitments, and then tells YOU what you can afford.

So you look at your budget and figure you can afford an $800 house payment. Then the bank says, based on your income, you can afford a $1500 house payment! Then, for some reason, you believe them. "Oh, if they say I can afford it, I guess I can! After all, finances are their speciality." What?! (Umm, the bank forgot you also have to by groceries and heat the house with your income.) THEN, you, with your false sense of security, start looking for "more house" because the bank says you can afford it, and you start to get excited about those houses that you're looking at now, and when you go to get your actual loan approval for that fancy-dancy house, you work harder and do what you have to do for the bank to approve your loan (like asking friends and family for $$ and paying off OTHER BANKS loans and credit cards), because now you're all wrapped up in the house emotionally! It's just like emotionally buying a car (another mistake-another blog), only now you have a signed contract (your offer to purchase the house) that binds you legally to the purchase... as long as you are approved for financing. Yep, when you put an offer on a house, you are signing a contract that says that you WILL purchase the property. It is common in these contracts that your only out is if you can't get approved for a loan. The contract you signed also says that you will use due diligence to secure that loan. Therefore, you cannot get out of the contract by simply NOT looking for financing. There are also other stipulations in the offer, such as inspection results, etc., IF you write them in, but many real estate agents have a "don't ask; don't tell" policy on that. After all, if the sale goes through, your loss is their gain. After closing, it's not their problem. It's yours.

So you struggle to get the financing because of the pressure of the contract you signed AND emotion (and your need to keep up with the Joneses), and when you're sitting there at the closing, and signing all those scary papers, and it hits you that you really can't afford that payment...TOO LATE! You can't back out because you signed that contract with the seller that says you promise to buy the house as long as you are approved by the bank...and they approved you. AHHHHHH!!!! And the bank doesn't care if you can afford it or not, because they are going to sell your loan off to someone else once they get the majority of the interest payments from you, anyway.

And those damn credit card companies... they can also sell off your account to someone else who can change your interest and/or terms any time they want to! BUT, you, the consumer, signed the credit card application with the tiny little print that said you agree to allow the issuer of the card to sell your account any time they want to, to anyone they want to, and the new terms of the new company will be accepted... by you. Ugh.

So the mortgage and credit card companies are manipulative A**HOLES, but bottom line is... there's a signature on the bottom of the contract. Yours. You lose.

One word on contracts: If you feel you have been emotionally pressured or bullied into signing a contract, quickly look into the business laws in your area. Chances are you can rescind by giving written notice to the other party within 3 business days. Your best bet is to sign a contract on a Friday. That way you also get Saturday and Sunday for free to think about it, and have until Wednesday to rescind. On the other hand, the contract may have a cancellation clause, so (duh!) read it carefully before signing it.

Once more...even though I hate repeating myself...
-If you can save the money for it in six months, wait, save, and pay cash.
-If you can't make payments AND put money in savings at the same time, you can't afford it.
-If you can't afford it, don't buy it.
-If you don't read every word of the contract and agree to it, don't sign it.
-If you signed it, don't whine about it. Pay it.
-And, if you have to make payments, don't finance anything else until it's paid off.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

E-Mail Forwarding Pressure!!!

So, I received an e-mail this morning. It was a forward. Yes, I get a few of these a day, but this one had something in it, that I see from time to time, that really ruffles my feathers (to say the absolute least). First, let me explain a little about the main content of the piece...

The original author started it out as a light hearted opinion on a few subjects that they felt deserved some attention; illegal aliens (compared to how we are able to locate one diseased cow, but we can't locate 11 million illegal aliens), the loss of the fundamentals of the U. S. Constitution (and how we should just give our Constitution to Iraq, instead of helping them draft one of their own, because we aren't using ours anyway) , and the questionable behavior of lawyers, judges and politicians (in reference to the 10 Commandments not being posted in a courthouse).

So, as I read it, I chuckled. It was humorous. For what it was worth, it was humorous. BUT THEN... the final line in the email was this:

"Also, think about this ... if you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!"

And that's where my half-smile went away, and my eyes started rolling.

I mean, really, what is the purpose of that? Does the original author write this to piss off someone who doesn't agree, OR, is it a pressure tactic to make people feel as if they MUST forward it so they don't feel like they are "part of the problem".

All that does for me is make me delete it... as fast as I the author can tell how fast I deleted it. (And I click the delete button really hard, too.) Silly, I know, but it makes me feel better. I feel I have done my part in NOT sending on that jack-ass's opinion. I'm not much of a "forwarder" anyway. The people I correspond with on a regular basis know that when they get a forward from me, it's usually worth taking a couple minutes to read...I hope.

People need to learn... you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I mean, if you really want to get your opinion out, stick with the humor, and skip that last line. People LOVE humor. People love to think that they have sent along a forward that will make their friends smile, thus moving your e-mail (and opinion) down the chain further. That line makes the savvy reader think, "Oh! This is political propaganda. Maybe I should think twice about this before I forward it." Not in the fear of offending someone, but simply because it's not really humor at all!

On the other hand, you will get those people who think that every one of their friends have all the time in the world and forward EVERYTHING!! (I have an excellent solution to that. I will share it with you at the end of this rant.)

Here's another one I received recently that I REALLY HATED:

"This was not sent to be up for discussion. If you agree, send this on to everyone you know. If you don't agree, just delete it."

UGH!!! In other words, "This is my opinion and I know it's flawed, not thought-out, and one-sided, but I don't really care about your opinion, so don't bother telling it to me."

Are people afraid of a good healthy debate? You know, if someone feels so strongly about something, then they should feel comfortable that their reasons are strong enough to handle a debate on the subject. What are they afraid of? Defending their opinion? What a loser.

Here's a thought: If you get an e-mail with a political or ethical point-of-view, and you share that point-of-view and want to forward it, that's cool. But do this: simply delete that last line. I have a feeling a lot of people leave it in the hopes that it is a "disclaimer" to say that they didn't personally write it, but agree with it. OR, it serves as a "shield" of sorts, so that they won't have to deal with rebuttal.

And while I'm on the subject... What's up with the person who sends you a bundle of e-mail forwards... starting with how God loves you and you are a child of God, and the next one is a filthy sex e-mail?! Last month I received a bundle of forwards from an acquaintance of mine. She's one of those people who forwards absolutely everything! One of the e-mails was the God loves you email, and the next was, get this, a RACIST forward!!! No way!!! Anyone who knows me, knows that I have no tolerance for racism. I lost my mind! Not only was is acutely disgusting, but it was prefaced with a statement that gave credit to a celebrity...who had NOTHING to do with it! I suppose by giving credit to a celebrity it had some sort of "credibility"? Ha Ha! Forgive the redundancy.

HERE'S A TIP, one 30 second search on SNOPES.COM will more often than not prove many questionable e-mails false. A child needs to collect 1,000,000 e-mails to get the heart transplant they need? NO. Bill Gates will give you a computer if you forward this to 100 friends? NO. That sickening picture of the guy on the motorcycle with his head in the back of a semi actually survived? NO!! He was dead! You sent a picture of a dead guy to all your friends because you actually believed the e-mail when it said he survived! I'm sure his family appreciated that.

Do everyone a favor, and check out before you waste your time and mine while simultaneously making yourself look like a fool.

Finally, I promised you a cool solution to the problem of the uncontrollable e-mail forwarder. Go to . Here you can send a blunt, but nicely written and completely anonymous e-mail to the offending person.

Thanks for listening.

Friday, February 6, 2009

"I" or "me"!?

As a proud member of the Facebook group, "You use bad grammar, therefore I judge you!", I just want to tell you how jealous I am of Mignon Fogarty - aka Grammar Girl! She gets the distinct pleasure of discussing and correcting grammar, and people don't get mad at her for it! Lucky!! Her website, by the way, is .

I am a mom of two fantastic kids... a boy (17) and girl (15). My mother always corrected my brothers' and my grammar, and thus I did/do the same to them. In fact, my mom tells the story about how a neighbor girl was talking to my brother when he was little, and then looked at my mom and said, "He doesn't talk like a baby, like other kids do." Mom smiled to herself because she knew it was because she made sure we used proper grammar from the moment we started forming sentences. She will never forget that story because it made her feel so good for having put forth the effort.

Anyway, my daughter came home from school with a story about how a teacher had actually looked at her sideways because she (Zoe) had corrected herself in a difficult grammatical situation (like who vs. whom, or me vs.I, or something like that). The teacher said, "You really know your grammar, don't you?" and Zoe replied, "My mom has been correcting me my whole life. She's obsessed." (Or should that be obsessive?)

So when she told me that story, I told her that I have to ignore bad grammar with other people, because most people don't appreciate being corrected. She went on to tell me, "I know. My friends hate it when I do that, too." Hahahahaha! I've raised a grammar machine!

Well, at that point, my husband chimed in and started talking some nonsense about how we should know what people mean when they use bad grammar and we should let it go. Of course we know that...and I do...when I have to...but then I twitch! Not physically, really, but my brain does!

My biggest pet-peeve: Using "I" instead of "me"... as in, "Tom went with Suzie and I". UGH!!! The reason it bugs me so much is because the speaker thinks they are RIGHT and purposely used "I" but they really are WRONG! And, when a person uses "me" properly, the majority of the world thinks it's used wrong! Ahhhhh!!

Bottom line... I am jealous of Grammar Girl because she gets the privilege of correcting grammar AND I DON'T!!!

Thank God I had kids... so I can correct someone's grammar AND I don't have to get up to get the remote! Ha Ha!